Photo Zines

A Zone

A Zone is a photographic survey of the neighbourhood where I lived from 2018–21 – close to Glasgow city centre, in the shadow of the Kingston Bridge and M8 flyover. 

This area includes a wide variety of different sites: the various tributaries and slip roads of the M8 and M74; the ‘leisure complex’ of Springfield Quay arranged around an enormous car park; budget hotels; several retail or industrial parks; brownfield areas and construction sites; small offices for businesses of the sort that don’t need or attract walk-in customers; a couple of car dealerships; a homeless shelter in a nineteenth-century building that used to be a public library; takeaway restaurants; and so on.

Not a neighbourhood then: a zone. Neglected by planners, shoppers and tourists alike, it offers a sample of all the kinds of activities we usually ignore in the modern city.

Aldo and Aldous

My friends Harry and Ieva live with their young son Aldous and their two cats Clyde and Felix in a large house built in the 1970s by two Italian migrants to Scotland named Aldo and Raffaella, who stayed there for many years and raised a family. After Raffaella died, Aldo remained alone for several years until his own death in 2018, after which the house lay unoccupied until Harry and Ieva bought it in 2021. When they moved in, it still contained much of the furniture and décor from Aldo and Raffaella’s time here. These photographs are about the encounter between Aldo and Aldous: two people who never met, but Aldous is discovering the world in a home still shaped by the love of Aldo and Raffaella.

I've finished three other zines as well. I'm still considering how best to make all these titles available.